About this Course

Commonsense Childbirth Institute is an institution in the USA with a license to offer this specialized training for midwives. 

$135 includes:

  • Up to 20 hours of video training with unlimited availability and access for 3 months including the following topics:
    • Perineal Tear Diagnostics
    • Anaesthetics
    • Suturing of the Labia
    • 1st – 4th Degree Lacerations
    • Episiotomy
    • Introduction to Surgical Skills
    • Safe Surgery Practices
    • Suturing Materials
    • A Variety of Knots and Suturing Techniques
  • 20 hour Certificate of Attendance from Commonsense Childbirth upon completion
  • 15 Continuing Education Units for Florida Licensed Midwives
  • 5 hour bonus water birth training