Our Philosophy - The JJ Way®

There is a crisis in maternity care in the USA and around the world today. Commonsense Childbirth helps ALL birthing families navigate this fear-based system no matter who they are, where they live or which provider they choose. Can you imagine how powerful it would be if we could revolutionize maternity care in America by utilizing simple, cost-effective methods like The JJ Way® - by educating and empowering parents and families from EVERY community, by training and certifying providers to offer personalized and compassionate maternity support, and by creating access to quality and equitable health services?

The JJ Way® is an evidence-based, maternal child health care system that has reduced or eliminated the racial disparities in maternal and child health outcomes. Using this model in community-based settings we have created a new and innovative delivery system for prenatal and women’s health care, education and support.

We apply the tenets of The JJ Way® (access, connections, knowledge and empowerment) in the way we design our curriculum and facilitate courses. We recognize spaces of collective learning and shared knowledge, with the goal of all participants being empowered and equipped to serve their communities.

The CCI Team